Desperate. For the passing of time. How strange that usually the tussle is the other way. I just want this mood/feeling to pass.
It's a clean, brittle day today - the first time the temperature's dropped to 10 degrees in longer than my skin can remember. The cold ran up and down my arms and legs as I walked to the station and I listened to a conversation with Susan Swingler, whose father left her and her mother in the UK to go to Australia and marry Elizabeth Jolley. There was incredible deception throughout her life but she spoke articulately and with minimal rage, which I found admirable.
But god, public transport... I know, I know - it's important and all, but really, if I wanted to scrunch my face into someone's armpit and be shunted from behind by an unseen crotch I'd bloody move back to London... so I suspect this feeling will help spur me on to ride the bike (when it comes) every day.
Django Unchained: Amazing film. Tarantino at his blood-spurting best. Two of the best things about the film though: Don - even though he was blown away, it was good to see him.
It's a clean, brittle day today - the first time the temperature's dropped to 10 degrees in longer than my skin can remember. The cold ran up and down my arms and legs as I walked to the station and I listened to a conversation with Susan Swingler, whose father left her and her mother in the UK to go to Australia and marry Elizabeth Jolley. There was incredible deception throughout her life but she spoke articulately and with minimal rage, which I found admirable.
But god, public transport... I know, I know - it's important and all, but really, if I wanted to scrunch my face into someone's armpit and be shunted from behind by an unseen crotch I'd bloody move back to London... so I suspect this feeling will help spur me on to ride the bike (when it comes) every day.

But the other good thing was that I saw Leonardo Di Caprio in a role that didn't make me vomit all over him. He played someone deeply cruel and evil and selfish and he played it very convincingly. It gives me faith that he will do Gatsby a little justice.
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