Sunday, October 07, 2012


Have you seen the bush by moonlight, from the train, go running by?
Here a patch of glassy water; there a glimpse of mystic sky?

this has been in my head tonight .. it has been a very full and mostly good weekend.

i am trying to write something new for voicebox tomorrow but my inspiration is a little dry. Dry? who the fuck am i kidding? it's brittle and what there is is fragile. i hadn't realised how stress has been affecting me physically. It's a bit annoying. i think sometimes i forget the power of my body to say oi slow down and be gentle with yourself.

always in a hurry

Jay bought me a copy of quadrant yesterday, because i want to delve a little into the other side too, a little into the liberal side, so when it comes to making a choice, i can be as informed as possible. i want to be inspired.

we also had some great conversation eventually in bed yesterday, solving the problems of the world and talking about the big things in life.

today the weather was angry, and there was a wet delay before we began our run which was then cut short anyway...i need to be more dedicated. no more shrinking from the cold or the rain during the week. i have to run.

and then, almost surprisingly i had a beautiful night tonight. and i'm home early, and i'm ready for bed, and i think i'm ready for what the week may have in store.

so i return to trying to write something for tomorrow night. i remember tuesday nights at the poetry cafe in london, cold beers after those warm, close readings. all those discoveries.

i spent time with roses this weekend too. take the time to pause, and appreciate them.


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