Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Master of Surprises

Balint is.
Last night, mum came over for a cup of tea and to have a look at the wonderful framed paintings we've put up around the house. Before she arrived, B put on nice pants and a shirt and I said 'what are you getting all dressed up for my mother for?" he asked if I wasn't going to do the same... so I did, especially because now I fit into the size ten whistles shirt I got from Claudia years ago...
Mum came, we had hibiscus tea and a lovely chat when rather suddenly she says she's going to toodle off... and then B says, we're just going to see your mum home.
What's this?
A surprise, he says...

After mum got off at her stop and we kept going I asked if we were going to pick up my chair from Ivan...and he said yes. So we get to Ivan's front gate but it's not Ivan or the chair, it's Mob and Orsi and Szabi and Livia and we went to the Darshan Udvar restaurant.
A surprise, he said.

It was really lovely. I've been getting to know Livia much better, and it was good seeing Mob again, but the best part was that this bloody legend managed to pull of a surprise again, effortlessly, for no particular reason, and I just love him.

This morning (6.20 as I write this), I am going with a friend to help him practice business english. It's about 1 degree outside, and all the hopeful spring buds are freezing on their hopeful trees. But inside it's a good day. I have some work left to do, some reading, cooking lunch and afterwards probably watching another episode of Spaced.
skip to the end...


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