Monday, January 21, 2008


It's not even the end of January and the air was rank with spring today, rank with spring and full of hope. For the first time I felt incredibly lucky to have a desk facing a window- even the pigeons looked happy. (Or at least smilingly dazed in that feral pigeon way)...

This is the first day this year, where I have felt almost completely cloudless. I had trips and smaller falls throughout the day, where I felt my feet get muddied, but overall, I felt like this unexplained self-pity might be ebbing away.

Other than smelling the flowers I must also remember to think of all the things I have to be thankful for.
So what does this nutty girl do? She listens to Garth Brooks until my head is so full of memories and home and Mandy May that I can smell the dust in my mind and the prickle of the hay, at the memories of those private school parties.

Re-re-re-reading Kindersley's Don't Ask Me Why and although I'm sure the more serious amongst us would consider her pulp fiction, each time I read it I gasp with recognition. Perhaps it's just because I'm a dag at heart. Dag, yep, that's me.

Sah reminded me of one of my funnier awakenings, at the end of a futile, yet often beautiful relationship, when I called her up at the end of it, and told her "She floggeth the dead horse no more" - that's the kind of smile I want to go to bed with tonight...



Blogger Krissyface said...

I loved that post! I just stopped flogging a horse and need to go to bed happy.

3:24 pm  

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