Saturday, March 22, 2008

There are few things in the world as beautiful, as satisfying, as Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto!
I am without music, because all my tunes were on the old laptop, and something is missing from this new one so I can't get radio national to work, so I scouted around you tube, and found some Pjotr Ilych... and then sliding around on my hands and knees, washing the floor, the stereo roaring, I suddenly felt like as long as there is music like this, then not everything can be shit.
Bad things happen everywhere, unfortunately, and they alway seem to be in bold lettering, yet when good things happen, they meld in with the rest of the text of our lives and we take too little notice.
Yesterday, when B and I went for a really difficult run in the Varosliget I noticed trees budding, and I tried to remind myself to look and appreciate and be grateful, even though I felt like my lungs were bursting.
I don't know if it's the day of solitude I've enjoyed, with the spot of shopping, or the lovely clean apartment, or the fact that it's Easter, or that I saw Jutka again (she's another one of those friends with whom half an hour is enough to put colour and sprite in my day), but I'm feeling fabulous. I got an email from Sah, a long one, and that alone made me feel less alone, made the world feel a little bit smaller.
Eggs are painted, carrot cake is ready to go in the oven, I've got a couple of dvds to watch and my nails to paint.

Ain't life grand?


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