I was going to call this post Yesterday, because that's what I was going to write about first. And then I thought of how, at a simple word like Yesterday, Bud and I would always think of wildly opposite things. I would have the Beatles in my head and she'd start singing Gunners. Or if I rocked up at her house and said "Here I am" she'd launch into Rocket Queen, and me into UB40 just to piss her off.
So, yesterday was a gorgeous day to be Aussie. And I felt so fuzzywarm and like I belonged. I knocked together a couple of salads and marinated some meat and bought some Fat Yak and baked some muffins (blueberry and white chocolate) and when Balazs and Orsi arrived we headed down to City Beach. The barbecues were taken, and B and I almost had a tiny explosion, but it was averted by the scenery. We decided to settle close to one of the barbecues and wait. And everyone we came into contact with was unbelievably friendly and approachable and generous. We shared the table, shared the barbie, and their crazily bent spatula thingy... it reminded me again ferociously why I live here.
The muffins were all gone by this morning :)
Today I am sunburned from barely an hour in the sun at lunch, curled around Durrell and his fragrant tales of Egypt. I love him.
I called Dad today and his manic working hours worry me. He came up in conversation yesterday, about how we used to work in the garage together, and maybe I'm getting old, but sometimes I find myself missing him.
After work I waited for B to bring the car home and then I drove through the melting night to Karrinyup, to pick up my box of mangoes, procured from some guy at work for a good price. I'm thinking let a few ripen, bake a few into cakes and muffins, make some smoothies and hopefully try to preserve some as chutney, or something, but hopefully without tonnes of sugar. I am going to write to the Barefoot Kitchen Witch to get advice.
Melbourne Cup tomorrow. Frock and fascinator sorted.
So, yesterday was a gorgeous day to be Aussie. And I felt so fuzzywarm and like I belonged. I knocked together a couple of salads and marinated some meat and bought some Fat Yak and baked some muffins (blueberry and white chocolate) and when Balazs and Orsi arrived we headed down to City Beach. The barbecues were taken, and B and I almost had a tiny explosion, but it was averted by the scenery. We decided to settle close to one of the barbecues and wait. And everyone we came into contact with was unbelievably friendly and approachable and generous. We shared the table, shared the barbie, and their crazily bent spatula thingy... it reminded me again ferociously why I live here.
The muffins were all gone by this morning :)
Today I am sunburned from barely an hour in the sun at lunch, curled around Durrell and his fragrant tales of Egypt. I love him.
I called Dad today and his manic working hours worry me. He came up in conversation yesterday, about how we used to work in the garage together, and maybe I'm getting old, but sometimes I find myself missing him.
After work I waited for B to bring the car home and then I drove through the melting night to Karrinyup, to pick up my box of mangoes, procured from some guy at work for a good price. I'm thinking let a few ripen, bake a few into cakes and muffins, make some smoothies and hopefully try to preserve some as chutney, or something, but hopefully without tonnes of sugar. I am going to write to the Barefoot Kitchen Witch to get advice.
Melbourne Cup tomorrow. Frock and fascinator sorted.
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