Friday, October 23, 2009

Today was the best day I have had in a long list of days. Thanks to some strange but good ear putty I managed a luxurious extra few minutes of sleep, then got up and checked over Matyi's translation for the diabetes doco subtitles, then made a mediocre icing for my coconut cake, and then sauntered, happy, in flat shoes to work, blinking in the cheeky sunshine.
There was a big corporate-wide breakfast today, but I'm still not quite 'in' enough to mingle freely (and no blooody marys at breakfast). So I had some bacon and an awful coffee with Maria, then chatted to Bernie while we munched pastries, and then hoofed it back upstairs, where I was just buzzing with the happies. These last few days I've felt constantly full of hope, full of light.

There was a meeting, mercifully short, and all the soft IT men there enjoyed (and appreciated) my baking. And I thought hey, at least that's something i can do...

I was going to the esplanade to lunch with Chris, and there was a slow-motion moment when i put my feet on the freeway bridge, when I felt like everything was perfect. That I could exit right then, and leave happy. I love my own solitary belonging here. Peppered with second-hand negativity as it may be.

We went for a sunset walk in Bold Park, for over an hour, tramping over paths that curved and dipped and rose (and how I felt those inclines in my bum post-pump-class!) and while B pressed play on all the usual complaints, I got lost in the bushes and wished that I could photograph birdsong. I tell you, that park is a gift. The flies are not.

Back at the car I had the urge to farewell the day 'properly' so we sped quickly down to City Beach, to catch the finale- the perfect fiery orb melting into the perfect ocean. Surfers galore, and quiet couples on the now cold sand. It has been a happy Friday.

Tomorrow: early, make the dough for the baguettes to let them rise, bake chocolate cake for Chris and co, bake peach something for Balint, go to yoga and possibly, finally, paint. On my balcony facing the trees, resplendent with parrots.

And I have a strange urge to curl up under fluffy doonas, and read Henry Lawson aloud.
"..a beauty that even the drought cannot mar"




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