Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Melbourne Cup

sans ladies and Pimms - but it was still a fantastic day, even without someone to share it with. I think my ideal Melbourne Cup date would be Craig- we could be flamboyant together, and he likes bubbly :)

Anyway, the social club at work put on an amazing lunch (the effort was amazing, the food was from downstairs) and we stood around drinking fizzy passionfruit drink and talking in small over-airconditioned groups. But the intent was there, and I won best outfit (good job too considering how much that effing fascinator cost! Should've made one, I know) and scored a movie ticket. And just as I was fantasizing about an Anna-date of old, Konrad came and gave me his free movie ticket too, so I could go with Balint. Very sweet.

By 3pm Leederville was awash with too-young girls in too-short dresses, but many were delectable to watch, stagger as the day wore off with their make-up and their heels caught in every sidewalk crack. I spent an entertaining half hour with Joe and Peter and then Joe gave me a lift home in his zippy red car, so my heels wouldn't get caught in the sidewalk cracks.

With the air sizzling, I did a fastforward cleaning of the kitchen and then leapt on the first bus coming down Cambridge. It dropped me off halfway to Scarborough, and after convincing myself that surely there wouldn't be snakes lying in wait to spring at my bare feet at this time of night, I crossed the dunes and walked along the beach, all the way back to City Beach.
If I was single, I'd spend all my time on the dog beach at north floreat, and not for the dogs.

It was a good long walk (or maybe I'm just spectacularly unfit) and the water was friendly and I just felt this amazing calm settle behind my shoulder blades. When I got to City Beach I settled somewhere in the middle, opened a bottle of coopers and settled in to watch the sunset. The work I had brought with me lay at the bottom of my bag, waiting.
And it waited all night. I did nothing for an hour or more but sit there and watch the slow majestic drift of a ship across the horizon.
That whole hour it was just me and my head, the sound of the waves and the silhouettes of people. And strangely I was happy. It was like an awake meditation. I was aware of all these thoughts I normally push away and shove behind pillows and under rugs, but it was okay.

The best thing I saw was two girls, one blond the other brown sitting side by side, cross-legged facing the sunset. They reminded me so much of Bud and I that I wrote to her "I miss you today"
Her response "I miss you a little every day".
Well, one day when we're 80 and our men have died we will, finally live together.

Off running now...

Ooooh but the most exciting news: we're going camping at Bremer Bay with the Mamos in January!!!!!!! Could this be the time I learn to surf? Or snorkel? Or anything cool to do with the sea?? :)


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