Thursday, March 18, 2010

I thought I'd write a big heavy tirade about confusion and love and rah rah fucking rah... instead, I'll just mention how completely perfect last night was.

After a little swim with Steph in an overchlorinated pool, I had a bit of a drive around Perth by accident ("Ooh, I'll just take this turn off, surely I can get off this road before it becomes the freeway"... er, no) and then G and I went to Brighton beach, where I voiced my wussness for a while, and then plunged (timidly) into the crashing waves with a body board strapped to my wrist.
I haven't felt this unco since my last step aerobics class in high school, but my god it was about 80 million times more fun. I screamed like a maniac and swallowed sea water and when I got home my bathers were chockers with sand. But it was beautiful. The sunset, the water (the wind once out of the water was a little serious) the big Perth night that was (and is) all mine (sometimes I share it).

At home I set to baking and cooking (havasi kifli and carrot and coriander soup).

Tonight it's fried oyster mushrooms with garlic aioli served with hopefully a little less thinkingtoomuch...


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