a swag of memories
It has taken me nine months to take it out again, and consider photos to include.
Today has been a welcome slow day after the week that has been. Even Jorg noticed I looked like shit warmed up yesterday. But it's getting better.
This morning I had a ludicrously expensive haircut. Hardly a cut and there goes $95! So, continuing on the spending jag, I drove to Harbour Town to worship some more at the altar of consumerism. But I tired of it quickly. But oh I do love a bargain!
And at home, the big house to myself I felt an urge to Anna-fy my room some more. Before I did the photos I tidied the bookshelves and did a load of filing (read: piled stuff in the bin with the yellow lid) and read poems, and started writing - a sort of stop start stop start process today.
So the photos. Top left are the grass trees on the zig zag drive high above Perth, next to that, flame trees along Abbotsford Street, top right sunset over City Beach, back when it was mine.
Left side of clock, Sandy Bay at Exmouth, then on the right a glorious stretch of road about 400km east of Balladonia.
Bottom row, left a lemon on Bernard's farm near Harvey, bottom right is a painted tin at the same farmfarm and in the middle, sunset at the Pinnacles when I was there with Mum.
Good to look through the old photos again, good and bad really, a day full of contemplation and remembering.
M has gone hunting (again) this weekend, reminding me (and I know I made this bed for the eightysecond time) that I am third behind his son and his guns. But there's no malice there, I know that. And I do relish my bananatime. Speaking of bananas, he did buy me some and I have just devoured my first curvyyellow in fucking months!
I tried to watch the game yesterday but due to various factors including the Glengarry tavern being stupid I only got to see the replay at home. But we won. And i know it wasn't an important game, but we won and that made me happy. It made Nickiy happy too, she said "our team" and that made me happy some more.
And so tonight. Time for reading and being good to myself. Em always said that, be gentle to yourself. There's music, and the world comes ever closer.
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