Monday, April 21, 2008

that hike from hell

well, first it was the Blumau dream and then B and I, together with Robi and Aniko and about 1000 other people, drove out in the rain to Galyateto, in the Matra Hills.
Once there, we vacillated for a while - should we go, and hope for better weather, or should we stay - after all 26km's is a long way ...

Well, we decided to go. The first 5kms were nightmarish. Foggy forest and dripping rain, and slicing cold. My floppy Freo fisherman's hat was a huge help, but nowhere near help enough, and as we scrambled up to the first summit where the checkpoint was, I wholeheartedly regretted taking part.

But then on the way down, amidst rolling rocks and slick vegetation, the clouds parted and the sun began to dry our way. For the next 3 hours or so we strode on in absolutely breathtaking scenery - tall lanky trees with luminous leaves and moss covered rocks beside bubbling streams... my spirits were high and I had energy to boot. I won't mention how my kneecaps were aching, because other than that niggling pain, everything was great.

And then, over the last 7kms it began to rain again. No, not just rain - pour. Bucket down. But still we were smiling. That is, until we got to the last measly kilometre, where we had a 30degree descent which was simply a mud slick down to the stream at the bottom. Sliding down bums and hands and knees was fun in its way, holding onto thorny bushes not so fun, but the climb up the other side was what totally broke my spirit. I face planted twice, having nothing to hold onto to pull myself up, and i was wet and cold and pathetic.

Had it not been for the rain, the hike would have been 100% incredible and I really want to do it again in better weather. Back home we indulged in good pizza and wine, and spent yesterday and will spend today also nursing our sore muscles and feeling smug and sorry for ourselves (if the two are possible simultaneously)...


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