Thursday, May 28, 2009

tripping in syrupy friday

Man sometimes it's hard to stay up and positive and 'yeah everything will work out'...but i tell you what, working at the Water Corp is a big bloody help. I'm not getting things sugar coated, what i'm getting instead is the truth, but with the added 'we're not going to leave you out in the cold'. Dave said today he was 'delighted' with my work. those exact words. It means a lot.

I am standing before a weekend filled to the gills with work - expedia this time. But with the hope that maybe this lot of cash will go towards my own debts- of which there are a few million. I listed them to mum on the phone yesterday and even saying them made my lungs rattle.

Yesterday we bought a heater for the bedroom- this morning I woke with nose intact and body-temperatured. I also bought a hairdryer and today we're going to Target. Oh the adventures of our suburban lives.

And oh the unsmooth differences with people who are perhaps trying too hard and to what end? Methinks this weekend would be better spent curled around some journal articles, perhaps Jeff McMullen's autobiography (i'm pathetic, i know it) and endless cups of milky tea. Instead it'll be curled around the miniature laptop and reading about the tourism industry in India :-)

"The darkness of the soul is not lighted by moving the body to another place"



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your last it your original?
How about adding to it like so:

The darkness of the soul is not lighted
by moving the body to another place.
Instead, find a way to lighten the soul.
Then the place will transform
and spiritually moved your body will be.


11:45 pm  

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