Sunday, November 22, 2009


32 minutes before the alarm I woke up feeling completely rested. By 5.40 I was on the beach, attempting a runjogwalk, in beautiful, clear morning light.
The beach was littered with smiles (and millipedes, but never mind) and happy, wholesome looking people who shared genuine "good morning"s. Even the dogs looked wholesome. And I challenge anyone to see a pug barrelling down a beach, blinking in the sand he kicks up, and not laugh.

Yesterday I got stuck into one of the green bar stools I found when we were looking for apartments. Getting the layered wood smooth is proving difficult, even with a scraper (oh how I love the service at Bunnings) but I don't think I can afford to rush out and buy an electric sander just yet. I did take the legs apart though and sanded the rust off and sprayed the first layer of silver finish. They're going to look great.

I also started downloading my metrica articles which took - wait for it - four hours. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but the meantime, I went to the beach, dipped my toes in, decided I could go no further, and lay back with Janet Frame's short stories.

I picked up B at 1pm... he and Balazs had stayed up till 4.30 drinking palinka and all manner of other stuff I suspect. Both of them useless for the rest of the day. Balint said he really enjoyed the night, that he had missed something like this for ages. I reminded him of the previous Saturday. Oh but that was different, he said...
We attempted another trip to the beach, but the sand was blowing and stinging hard, so we came home, I finished my work and made dinner (honey glazed pork with noodles and broccolini - I rock) and by 10pm I was in dreamland.

so the week starts again. . .


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