Tuesday, November 17, 2009

home much later from work than usual, but I've had a good day - although this morning the sads were definitely on the rise. I felt paralysed by apathy again, so drove straight home from the gym and did my ironing. Is it possible for that bottle of gin to linger for three days? In any case, I long to feel healthy and clean again.
Work was particularly good today, and then this afternoon I righted a wrong I started unintentionally on saturday night. I am blessed with other peoples' patience.
The room behind me beckons - nay begs - me to come and put all those things away, while metrica work is slowly piling up...
but for now, I just want to relish the silence in the apartment, the stirring of the leaves outside and the ever-present-parrot-chatter.
tomorrow begins with the beach- the sads don't have a chance - followed by breakfast out...

are they jacaranda trees - those purple clouds of intense colour? they offer the most glorious patches of soothing shade all over the neighbourhood.

and a new species of boronia has been discovered - Charles Darwin's great grandson said so, on radio national, and while it looks a little like anorexic marijuana, it's a hugely exciting discovery, in our world of wonder.

. . .

I almost forgot. Belle de jour shucked off her anonymity today. I have followed her blog since its inception, and loved almost every word of it. I've got the books, I still check back to see if there are new entries, she writes in such a graspable, warm way.
I don't mind that she's a research scientist... it was evident the whole time that she possesses great intelligence but I'm glad she turned out to be a woman after all, this way I don't feel cheated.


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