bliss on wray no more
I packed up the old life yesterday, I say old, but really it was only just over three months old. I had nurtured it and nourished it with my new-found happiness and freedom, and yesterday, I ran sad hands along surfaces still new yet old and familiar to me, and surfaces which I now have to leave. I felt lightheaded and lighthearted yesterday. I felt forlorn. I feel selfish today. I don't want to live with Pete and Betty, I want to have my own spaces back, without having to explain why I'm in a bad mood or a good one. Wray avenue.
Pierre asked if he could offer me anything, coffee, tea or water...I replied that I wanted my bubble back. Raising his arms above his head he said "You can make your own bubble" so now I have to learn how.
Pierre asked if he could offer me anything, coffee, tea or water...I replied that I wanted my bubble back. Raising his arms above his head he said "You can make your own bubble" so now I have to learn how.