Friday, March 07, 2014

Beautiful stillness

Today began with Ed scratching at the flyscreen wanting in. Little shitbag snuck out post-dinner and wasn't to be found. Carousing and cavorting, no doubt. Lucky he lacks balls and is microchipped!
Then I attended my first Bikram yoga class. Physically (and this may sound wanky now) and spiritually it was a really opening experience, I felt loose and happy on the way home in the car. However, if I wanted to be mean and cynical I'd say it was like exercising in the drying room at work. The dense smell of hot sweaty feet ... mmmm ....
And then home, and simple breakfast, eaten at the dining table, accompanied by coffee and the Robyn Davidson book Tracks.
To the shops, easy, slow carefree day.

Back home and lunch after which I decided to make as if it was last weekend and nap. I lay on the couch under Ed, read and dozed, waking intermittently to the chattering of the leaves outside in the wind, and the whine of the washing machine working.

Later, hanging out clothes, I remembered listening to Phillip Adams talking about a Hannah Arendt film that had met with criticism, and Palestine and Israel and bla bla and how this wasn't my time to think heavily into these things...but the mention of Israel flicked a little switch and I thought "Ah, but wouldn't it be nice to listen to some Klezmer?"
Thank goodness for Spotify is all I can say :)
Now, in the humidity of the afternoon, getting ready to go and get my hair styled for the ball (I know, right?) I am listening to the jaunty yet somehow aching heady music that is Klezmer.

And all this without any flickering interference from the tv....