Thursday, February 19, 2009

employment... how much it means

This morning at around seven, when the sun was only just spreading her dear smooth finers over this corder of the earth, those good citizens of Lynwood who were awake may have heard me trotting home from the gym, calling out German phrases.
Those who understand German would have heard snippets like "yes, I would like to eat something with you but later. Much later"
It is a fantastic morning.

I have written nothing in the last few weeks because I really have been lodged firmly under a frog's arse down a coalmine and just generally realyl unhappy about how long it was taking me to find work. I had a couple of really hopeful interviews that were knocked back in the end, and the money was just running out far too fast. Work from London also wasn't as torrential as usual.
So, no words, no contact with anyone, I just became an absolute whizz housewife- doing everything to keep myself and my mind busy.

The gymming has been wonderful, and I hate to sound like a freak, but ohmygod those body Pump classes are the mutt's nuts. They rock! And I rock too :-)

So yesterday, I got a job. For now it's a two month assignment, as a PA at the Water Corp in Leederville. The people I have so far met there couldn't be nicer. I am unbelievably happy.
So today, in my last 'free' day I have a list as long as my arm of things I want to do.
A Pump class at 6am was the perfect way to start, so here I come world :-)


Monday, February 02, 2009

Big Day Out impressions

For the cool price of $130 I have learned that I am too old for the Big Day Out. It was a pleasant enough day, with a few incidents to make me smile, not to mention the totally bloody awesome Dropkick Murphy's concert, but at the end of the day, 30% of the audience had braces, while only 10% of the males there had chest hair. Seriously.

Waiting in line, I got a high five from a very young guy in an enormous sombrero, because he referred to my battered old hat as a mini sombrero. Who am I to refuse a high five?

Waiting at the bar, a huge bearded man (at least he was closer to my age) asked how my day was going, and then said "look at that smile- you've got a beautiful smile"

Lounging under trees with B, I leaned over to a guy nearby to ask him the time. He was blissed out, lying there on his own, and when I asked him the time, he looked at me as if I had just gently dragged him back from some heaven-like place.
"Quarter to five, man" he almost whispered, his pupils huge inside his blue eyes and then he closed his eyes and smiled some more. I don't know what he was on, but it seemed harmless and somehow beautiful.

And now that it's all over the news, I feel I need to mention the 17 year old girl who died of an ecstasy overdose at the BDO. It's tragic. And people will be desperate to point fingers and blame ... it's not the fault of the police and their dogs (apparently the girl took all the pills with her when seh saw the dogs, as she was freaked out about getting caught), it's not the organisers' fault. Not being a parent myself, I am probably in no good position to write about this, but I think the blame lies pretty much at the feet of the girl, and possibly her parents.

I know I wasn't doing drugs when I was 17. And whatever I dabbled in in my early twenties felt, I don't know, responsible somehow. I'm not saying young people should learn a more sophisticated method of drug concealing, but for god's sake why are they dropping pills at 17? It's a tragedy, and it will mar BDO's to come, because more sensible parents will worry themselves shitless about letting their children go. It's a shame, because I remember my first BDO, when I was also 17...not a drop of alcohol, and I doubt I even knew what drugs were, and it was one of the happiest days ever. (And not just because I got to see Soundgarden from a stranger's shoulders).

But to end on a less sad note- I have a job interview on Wednesday morning!!
