There have been a lot of them this past weekend.
Starting with Tuesday night when Mellie and Ross took me out to dinner for my birthday. And though things change and hairlines recede and hair colours change, we three stay the same. There was no time that we marked when we met. It was the same as ever and my heart truly swelled to be at the same table again.

Ross and I shared a bottle of champagne (sparkles, whatever) back at home so that when they left at around midnight I was more than a little pissed.
But it was at this time I thought that making a spiced cauliflower soup would be a good idea. And eventually it was because the soup was delicious! But I have spatter burns on my arm, and I was mighty tired on Wednsday. Though I did impress Steph by still turning up to the gym in the morning.
On Thursday I redeemed my Christmas voucher from M, at Belen in Karrinyup. Yes, four hours of absolute pampering. And because my head was full I did wonder if I could turn the thoughts off and really relax, but in the end it turned out that I could. I struggled for a while and then this glorious silence descended. I loved every minute of the four hours.
That night I dinnered with Steph and Matt, her fiancee in their wonderfully homey home. Homemade hummus, Matt-crafted red wine and a Moroccan feast and great, comfortable conversation. I stayed the night and Steph gave me her favourite Makine book to read. I am ashamed I have never heard of him but my god is his writing beautiful. Lyrical, just what I like. So a gift in another discovery.
And Friday was a special day. A totally banana day. And I had tons of messages and phone calls and flowers - I got such beautiful flowers!! And Food. And Company. It was one of my best birthdays.
And, on Friday I got an even bigger gift. VC arrived and we spent some of the day in North Perth, lunching and talking and walking. We visited a garage sale on the way home and carried records and ugg boots and a chopping board back to the flat. Treasure hunting!

In the evening VC took me to Jackson's for my birthday. And a more special and frankly extravagant experience you cannot imagine. Seven courses, seven wines, seven knives and forks - all prepared with such precision and passion as to take your breath away. As we talked about it afterwards, often the gift of experience is much more valuable than an object of some kind. And when the experience involves taste buds...
The walk home turned interesting when a legless Scouser fell into step with us on Vincent street, slurringly wondering where his house was. We pointed him in the right direction (our direction) and we walked on, chatting and laughing together. Passing Hyde Park the fellow made a bum grab at VC with no luck. After some time though, the guy went quiet and VC and I continued to chat. When we arrived at his place though he became more than vocal, pushing Craig and kicking at his legs and shouting and being drunk and aggressive. It was horrible. He was luckily so drunk that when he kicked out he just fell down, but it was not a nice experience.
On Sunday we went back to our 'usual' - the Pantry Door and on the way home bought playing cards and then went to Ross's 50th birthday party at the City Beach SLSC. It was a beautiful family affair and Ross's surprise to Mel was just divine.
The three days with VC reminded me of how a good conversation can uplift you endlessly. Of how much better than any gift a night of balcony gardening while listening to Nina Simone with someone I can be utterly myself with can be. My banana batteries are recharged, I have a smile on my face.
And... something way exciting might also be happening soon.
My apartment is full of flowers - this is another beautiful week.