Heading north the fuel gauge not showing what I would like it to. Can I make it to Lancelin? Can I make it further? Oldnew music blaring from the iphone -
Shattered (Turn the Car Around) - how apt.
I am driving towards the clouds, Perth having broken out in such painful sunshine that I had to leave.
I turn off at Guilderton, drive along the lip of the hill until I reach the car park and go cross country down the dunes to the almost deserted curve of beach. I am reading
Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro and despite the warm sun it takes me to a cool, grey imagined England, and it's a feeling I enjoy.
Less enjoyable are the sand flies, so after a time I pack up and go for a meandering walk along the beach, ask a lone fisherman what he's hoping to catch, nod sagely as he says tailor (taylor?) and eventually return to the car. Fuel at the Moore River Roadhouse is $1.65 but foolishly I have left myself no further choice, so I sink in $50. By the time I turn back onto Indian Ocean Drive I am spastic with fatigue but I make it as far as the Gingin Observatory turn off and slide gratefully into a bay just inside the sparse pine forest. I'm so tired I even forget to take Norm out of Drive and just pull the handbrake, cut the engine, open the windows a crack and sink backwards into a sweaty, drooly, fainting sleep.
I woke when the shadows had lengthened and the forest was more sinister, less welcoming. I cranked up the air, turned up the music and headed home.
On top of everything else it was the state election on Saturday. I was still registered to the electorate of Carine so i went to Glengarry Primary School and found that I was so upset I had trouble fighting back tears while I marked the ballot papers with a trembling pencil. Once back at the car I let it all go though and had a good weep for the dignity that we've lost in politics, for the ideology the Labour Party has destroyed and for the shameful lack of statesmen (and women!!!) in any sector of politics. I wrote to both my Liberal Party friends and wished them well and I meant it, but there was sadness throughout the weekend.
I tried yesterday to paint (the photo above actually), and then to write, but neither worked and my soul was choked up and my heart was unsettled. So I finished Ishiguro and started reading Bill Clinton's life (oh the things I find on my Kindle) and then Jay and I watched
The Island and then went to bed, where finally, we put the remnants of our weekend to sleep.