the rest of that goes "and I have killed my conscience" but I wonder what Amory Blaine held in his soul if he lacked a conscience? Em tells me, regret. I think I am starting to have that in spades.
So, almost half a year, and it would be silly to try and recapture what has happened so far. I have been to three different countries since i last wrote from Florence (from whence we went to San Gimignano and then Venice).
I went to Sarah's wedding in San Francisco, but much more than that, I spent two weeks with Emily. Two of the best weeks of this year, in fact.
There were moments in that 'beat' imbued city when I felt like I could fall in love again.
Then Budapest, which swung from good to bad with my changing moods (this mood bizzo is seriously starting to worry me, just quietly). The Sziget just isn't the same anymore. Much as I am happy that G and the guys from the UK love it enough to come every year, I want it back. I want it to be MY festival again. I'm not sure how to explain that, but it feels like the atmosphere has gone.
It was a good time with mum though- we did homey things together and I had the opportunity to buy some small home goodies, like a dvd player and a blender etc.
And then...well, arrived in Perth and fell swiftly and properly head over heels in crazy love. And it hasn't stopped, or slowed down. I am still smitten. And I don't want to leave. I have also experienced falling in lust quite severely- and how could I not, with all these scruffy-beautiful Aussie men around? (God will look after you, he said)
I have felt healthy, happy and so good in my skin, but my freedom has shrivelled up and now i'm sharing my bed with a snorer (who isn't even G yet) and I've realised I don't want to live with anyone, I want that dear house in Freo all to myself to live the way I have for the last three months.
I'm in the midst of late essays and manifold exams, but I think I'm going to try and give this bloggery another try.
Bear with me. And here's a pic of me from a beautiful weekend in Melbourne, courtesy of the three boys I love best.