When I met Dale on 2nd August 2001, he taught me that hugs are the best thing in the world. No matter our zizzy summer that we were living then, the teaching stands true, and this new year's eve when were camping at the staggeringly beautiful Gillard's beach, I was reminded again.
While this summer hasn't been so zizzy, although there have been a few parties, in many ways it has been more memorable. Coming home, re-learning many things, remembering many more. It's funny I thought with B here I would be seeing things new through his eyes, but it appears that my excitement and love are so undiminished, that I'm just happy to see them through mine.
It's sometimes a bumpy ride together, me and B. I need to learn patience, he needs to learn compromise. But we're getting better at it. This teamwork bizzo really works you know :-)
Jutka said when I asked about her profound new year's moment, that she was down by the ocean, and just gave thanks that she was here. My moment was much the same. To be surrounded by good people, people I love, B, and that wide forgiving sky. It should be a fantastic year.
The last few months of 08 were glorious and rife with changes - break-ups, marriages and births and also new friendships that I hope to keep well into 2009 and beyond. I've made no resolutions, they seem only to lead to guilt at not being kept. My major goal now is to get healthy, in all aspects and try and win back some semblance of my spring body.
And as I said in my last post, the memories just keep coming. The dreams I wake up from- Corio and high school and where the hell did ben crawford jump come from???
Tomorrow it's back out to Geelong, to memoryville, and I'm slowly learning to leave the past just right where it is.
Oh, and last night I finished reading Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love. I recommend it!!